Kerry Down Syndrome Welcoming Dinner 30/06/06

Hope you will note that I now (usually) use European style for dates. That has been a learning curve, but important, as it really confuses everyone if I do it the other way! These 4 pictures are from the welcoming dinner that Kerry Down Syndrome held for Dana and me. It was really wonderful - over 60 adults attended, plus at least that many children. It was at an historical hotel (in an old manor house) in Killarney, with beautiful grounds. Dana also took pictures of the surrounding area - lots of sheep, but I haven't included those. I am showing you one of the food tables just to give you an idea of what an elegant event it was. They had more people than expected, so actually ran out of food, but the hotel was very resourceful, so everyone ate! The picture of me with the kids is funny to look at now, as I know them all well. That night, of course, I had no idea who they were!
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