Friends and dogs
To left - just to show our US fans that Kerry fans can be fanatic, too. This was decorated for the All-Ireland Gaelic Football Championship in September. Kerry beat Mayo, to bring home the Sam Maguire Cup, and the whole county went nuts. The Cup (along with a player or two) visits every school in the county and they get their picture in the paper! Sooners, Razorbacks, Cowboys, and Hawkeyes take a lesson - there's much more to be done!
Below - the dogs 2 weeks after arrival in Ireland - in our back garden. Friends Carina and Paul Pierse (brother and sister) came for lunch and helped with the pictures. Their niece is one of my clients. Carina loaned her condo in Kilflynn to the Down Syndrome Association and it was our home for 4 months - she also gave MFE a ride to Dublin to meet Dana and the dogs. Paul is the one who took us lobster fishing - but he has now moved to Germany.
Below - the dogs 2 weeks after arrival in Ireland - in our back garden. Friends Carina and Paul Pierse (brother and sister) came for lunch and helped with the pictures. Their niece is one of my clients. Carina loaned her condo in Kilflynn to the Down Syndrome Association and it was our home for 4 months - she also gave MFE a ride to Dublin to meet Dana and the dogs. Paul is the one who took us lobster fishing - but he has now moved to Germany.