Hal and Nancy's visit
Valentia Island
Ballycarberry Castle,Cahersiveen
Hal and Nancy arrived at Shannon on Thursday morning, March 29. They were game to stay awake for most of the day, so we took the scenic route back to Tralee through Foynes, Listowel, Kilflynn, Ardfert, and Fenit. We ate lunch at a great pub in Foynes and walked out into a brief hail storm. This was the last moisture we saw during their trip! We then drove through Tarbert and Listowel to Kilflynn and showed them our first home. We drove the back way to Ardfert and the old cathedral, then drove to Fenit, the sailing harbor and one of our favorite spots. They enjoyed that, too, and the weather was spectacular - chilly but bright sun. (By the way this weather continued for 10 days, and is still going now as I write on April 15). Then we finally brought them home and had a relaxing evening.
Friday morning we all set off for therapy in Glenbeigh. They were able to visit the school, meet Pat and Cathal Griffin, and see the beautiful scenery of Glenbeigh. We then drove to our regular lunch spot, which we love and are happy to share with all comers! It looks out over the bay to the Dingle peninsula and there are never-ending changes depending on clouds, mist, sun, snow, etc. It was nice enough this day to eat at the picnic table - if you wore your jacket! For most of the winter we have eaten in the car, so we're glad to have Spring! We then drove to Cahersiveen and they dropped MFE off for 2 hours of therapy, while Dana took H&N to visit the beach and the castle (pictures below). At the end of therapy, we all piled in and took a short ferry ride to one of our favorite places, Valentia Island. We all enjoyed this trip a lot, as we ventured further in (and up) than we had gone before and had some spectacular scenery. The only thing they missed are the wild flowers - whoever comes in summer will enjoy that! We took the long way around through Port Magee to Cahersiveen, bought fresh salmon at the dock, and headed home. (The salmon was a feast by Dana on Saturday night).
Saturday, MFE did therapy in Listowel. H&N and Dana came for the end, so they could meet the 2 wonderful adult clients - then we all set off for Ballybunion. We took the cliff walk, which was beautiful as usual, and even more spectacular because of the bright sun. We ate homemade scones in the parking lot of the Ballybunion Golf Club - just for fun. It is true "links", which I learned that day means golf course on the ocean and dunes! Hal declined having his picture made with the Bill Clinton statue, a major loss on his part!
Palm Sunday we went to the Church of Ireland in Tralee and H&N enjoyed visiting with a few people at tea after the service. (We were able to walk to and from church both Sundays!). Our big adventure that day was a shopping trip to Woody's DIY (Do-It-Yourself - sort of a Lowe's) and Tesco, our supermarket. We got them hooked on Jaffa Cakes, our favorite cookie, and they bought some to take home! Then we had an evening of rest in preparation for Dingle and then the trip north.
Labels: Arrival and first weekend
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