This posting is all photos by MFE, which will be no surprise as you look at the quality! Dana did not take pictures - conditions were not conducive to his usual quality! However, I felt that a few "record" shots of the event were called for, so here they are. (The picture of the Rose of Tralee is from the RTE web site!) The lights are beautiful. We love the street musicians - known as "buskers". We waited a long time for the parade - note the child

yawning - typical of ma

ny US parades I've attended! The band is the Guarda

Band - our police force. The white horse is to

show you the general theme - we aren't s

ure what it was, but they used a lot of horses! I have only one shot of a Rose - the Southern California Rose. There are 31 of them, from Ireland, England, New Zealand, England, Australia, France, and US. The are chose in regional contests and there are rules about the degree of Irish heritage they must have. The New York Rose won- and she looks
very Irish, and in fact has spent summers here all of her life. Other highlights here - Dana shopping for plants (there was a great street market, mostly French, lots of food!), and the bagpipes - they are in every marching band!
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