Gaelic Football
Today we had another uniquely Irish experience. We finally attended in person, a Gaelic football game. We had decided to go, then Paul Pierse rang and invited us to go with him which was even better. This game was the All-Kerry Club Championship at Austin Stack Stadium here in Tralee. The venue was much like a large high school football game in the US. We have only begun to understand the intricacies of the system - but what we know is that in this championship between South Kerry and the Feale Rangers there were several of the stars of the actual All-Ireland Kerry team, which won the Sam Maguire Cup in September. So, here you will see Paul Galvin (below, for the Feale Rangers) and Declan O'Sullivan (right, for the South Kerry team), stars of the Kerry team. We were also privileged and honored to get to see Maurice Fitzgerald play for the South Kerry team - he is arguably the best player ever, and is mostly retired, but came back to coach and play for them for encouragement. Alas for them - to no avail. The Feale Rangers won - and because we were with Paul, who has trained and played with many of them, they were our
team today!
(Dana wants to apologize for the quality of the pictures - it was cloudy and dark and difficult to get good pictures).