Early in the morning of February 8 we drove to Dublin. Some of the road was icy and we had some sleet, but we made it in good time, checked in, ate our sack lunch, and flew out - very smooth! We arrived in Budapest and were met by the van driver who drove us to Debrecen - about 2 1/2 hours. This is the second largest city in Hungary, but we had no perception of that size during these first 2 days - it seemed like a town the size of Tralee. It is known as "The Calvinist Rome" and has a huge protestant church and a Calvinist college. We arrived at the Aquaticum Hotel about 9:30 and were greeted by a very friendly staff and a fruit and sandwich plate - pretty nice. Dana's dentist, Kiss David (Hungarians use surname first) rang us about 10:00 that night to welcome us and tell us that he (yes, the dentist himself) would collect us at 9:45 Monday morning.

He did so (in a bright yellow car) and Dana spent 5 hours in the dental

chair while I (MFE)
toured Debrecen town centre. (The 2 pictures from the bell tower and the chair are by MFE). I exchanged money, climbed to the top of the church bell tower, toured the church and saw the "Kossuth chair"

from which Lajos Kossuth proclaimed independence in 1848 - we came to learn that every town in Hungary has a Kossuth Ter or street or both. I had a really nice tea, and just walked around the town - had a good time, though missing Dana and hoping all was going well. I also bought tram tickets - there's a great tram that went in a circle from our hotel, past the dentist office, and to town centre and back. Though I bought the tickets we never saw anyone punch tickets, ask for them, or check in any way! I took the tram back, waited a bit, then we rode to the hotel, where Dana rested and I enjoyed the thermal baths - 4 or 5 huge round pools at different therapeutic temperatures. There is also a pool and water park (slides, etc) but I did not avail of those! Dinner at the hotel and a

n early night for the semi-invalid - who wouldn't accept any nursing or sympathy at all and denied much pain - what a stoic.
Tuesday we took the tram to the dentist again and Dana received his temporary bridge. He was out in about 4 hours and felt

okay, so we went to town centre where he got these nice pictures of the church and Kossuth Square.
. We had lunch at the Bel

gian Bier Garden (recommended by David, the dentist); here I am with our nice waiters. We walked around the square. The picture of the Debrecen McDonalds stands for the literally hundreds that we saw in every town - and in Budapest on every corner!

Next we went to the Deri Museum
. This is a very eclectic museum - it had everything - Hungarian art and history, a Death Cult room (very interes

ting, despite name) china, pottery, jewelry, furntiture. Like most places it had English translations for most but not all exhibits - and as usual, the translations were not perfect! Over the trip we got a few laughs from the English useage; if we only knew Hungarian we could have a ready-made job I think! We rode the tram back to the hotel and waited only an hour or so for Chris and Paul - they arrived earlier than anticipated- in fact she rang my mobile while we were on the tram heading back - a perfectly timed start to a perfect reunion and holiday!
Labels: Debrecen and Dentist
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