Happy Christmas 2009

Later, after the O'Doherty's left, we had an American/French Christmas dinner:
Starter: Crab claws and oysters
Main: Turkey, stuffing, potatoes and gravy, broad beans and carrots, sweet potato biscuits
1st after: salad and cheeses
2nd after: Oranges in cognac
3rd after: Chocolate Christmas roll (a cake similar to Boston Creme Pie)
All in all a very nice day. St.Stephen's Day we relaxed all day - Dana needed this after working 9 straight days, having a bad cold, and cooking 1/2 (or more) of the dinner). Carina, William, Abbey and Lir came to visit.
Below is what we call the "Jude Rose". It bloomed right about the time she died - December 1. It has been gorgeous, and has persevered through rain, sleet, wind and heavy ice. At one point it was rock solid with ice. This is how beautiful it still was on Christmas Day!

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