US 2011 - OK
We took the bus to Shannon on Monday evening and spent the night at the airport hotel so we wouldn't have such an early start. Our flights were uneverntful and on time, so after stops in New York and Atlanta, we arrived in Tulsa at 10:15 and were met by Susan Clark. We were very tired (20 hour day) so went right to bed for a great night's sleep. The next day we shopped a little and Dana fixed dinner for Susan, Sam, Louise and Bill, and me - delicious and fun. I continued to sleep a lot - long nights and long, hard naps.

Saturday we toured around Grove a bit, then had a great dinner - the picture at the top of this post is the group at dinner, including Kitty Kennedy Brown, the "older woman" who joined us from her home in Vinita.
Sunday we enjoyed a leisurely morning then brunch at a nearby restaurant, then off for home. I changed cars - this time I went with Mary Beth and Susie to McAlester, where I visited briefly with Jim Northcutt and Thurman Shuller then met Dana at Sharon and Bill's, where we stayed for the next few days and visited friends. We took almost no pictures :( - this one is at of our niece Maria and great nieces Kellye and Casey who drove up for the afternoon from their home in Texas.
We also went to lunch with Dorothy and Dorothy Kennedy and Dorothy (Wootsie)'s new husband Phil. We visited with Cassie and Joe and their families and had dinner at the Isle of Capri- and even seconds of lamb fries the next day for lunch thanks to Bill! We then left for Siloam, stopping at Lovera's for caciocavera (I looked this up - is this really how you spell the cheese we call gourd cheese???)
I loved the pictures of this part of your tour. Gee, you were busy.
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